released 17 April 2015 | Shredding To Hypes is the debut album of the Viennese experimental guitar trio; The Friendly Guitar Trio.
Erik Emil Eskildsen – electric guitar
Aras Levni Seyhan – electric guitar
Markus Schneider – electric guitar
Conceived, composed, played, and recorded at Proberaum Scheibbs, Scheibbs (Austria), 29th of June – 2nd of July 2014.
Mixed by Chris Herb
Mastered by Erik Emil Eskildsen
Cover design by Erik Emil Eskildsen
Erik Emil Eskildsen would like to thank his mother, Christina Ruf, Markus Reuter, Bernhard Wöstheinrich, Tobias Reber, Chris Herb, the Touch Guitar Circle, Touch Guitars®, Red Panda Lab, and Paul Trombetta Design.
Markus Schneider would like to thank all the lovely musicians and friends from whom he is constantly learning (to name a few special ones: Sabrina, Georg, Rudi, Alex, Luki, Sara, Bernhard), and his parents for Their support.
Special thanks to Proberaum Scheibbs for letting us use their facilities during the sessions that led to this album.
Erik Emil Eskildsen plays guitars by Touch Guitars® (, and pedals by Red Panda Lab ( and Paul Trombetta Design (