Possessing eight or ten strings and covering a range of just over five octaves, Touch Guitars® are highly dynamic universal instruments. They function equally well in melodic or chordal roles and are more than capable of performing both functions simultaneously. Crucially, although Touch Guitars® are specifically designed for the polyphonic two-handed touchstyle approach (familiar from the work of Michael Hedges, Tony Levin, Eddie Van Halen, Stanley Jordan, Tosin Abasi, Trey Gunn and many others, including Markus himself) they are equally suitable for all other existing guitar, bass guitar and lute techniques – plectrum picking, fingerpicking, strumming, slapping and beyond.

You can find all features on the separate instrument pages.

*pricing excl. German VAT if applicable
These are just examples ask for custom unique wood pieces.
These are just examples ask for custom unique wood pieces. A top is included on the T8, S8 and AU8. For all other models add 100€.
These are just examples ask for custom unique wood pieces
These are just examples ask for custom unique wood pieces.

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