glistening leotard – GL5

<a href=”″>GL5 by glistening leotard</a> released April 16, 2016 All songs written and performed by glistening leotard in 2015 jessica näser: vocals andrej henze: guitar ralf gemein: guitar chris herb: touch guitar arthur krol: drums guest performances: violin on restless: leonie ziegner saxophone on green: klaus theißen additional touch guitar on skittish: matt tate synthesizer […]

DiM13NSiON – Rugami

This album is the companion to DiM13NSiON’s (pronounced Dimension Thirteen) Imagur, their first album. Both released in the same year, the duo planned those 2 albums together. They are linked in many ways but are mirrors to each other, Imagur and Rugami. <a href=””>Rugami by DiM13NSiON</a> Where Imagur was dark and contemplating human machinery and […]


Technically sophisticated progressive-rock meets a heavy, sludgy and organic sound, which is – due to a focus on catchy harmony-vocals – still plausible despite dark complexity.